トロフィータイプ | 詳細 |
Platinum Receive all other trophies. 他の全てのトロフィーを取得する | |
Safe Keeping Win a multiplayer game on Bank while on the winning team for at least 50% of the match. 勝利チームに最低1分間所属して、Bankでの試合を終了する | |
Canalysis Win a multiplayer game on Canals while on the winning team for at least 50% of the match. 勝利チームに最低1分間所属して、Canalsでの試合を終了する | |
Chemical Burn Win a multiplayer game on Chemical while on the winning team for at least 50% of the match. 勝利チームに最低1分間所属して、Chemicalでの試合を終了する | |
Facilitated Win a multiplayer game on Facility while on the winning team for at least 50% of the match. 勝利チームに最低1分間所属して、Facilityでの試合を終了する | |
Hospitalized Win a multiplayer game on Hospital while on the winning team for at least 50% of the match. 勝利チームに最低1分間所属して、Hospitalでの試合を終了する | |
Mind your Manors Win a multiplayer game on Manor while on the winning team for at least 50% of the match. 勝利チームに最低1分間所属して、Manorでの試合を終了する | |
Pirate Radio Win a multiplayer game on Rooftops while on the winning team for at least 50% of the match. 勝利チームに最低1分間所属して、Rooftopsでの試合を終了する | |
Shock and Awe Win a multiplayer game on Tesla while on the winning team for at least 50% of the match. 勝利チームに最低1分間所属して、Teslaでの試合を終了する | |
Test Subject Use every Veil ability once in multiplayer. 全てのVeilアビリティを使用する | |
Veilophile Spend 5 minutes in the Veil in multiplayer. Veilを発動した状態で5分間過ごす | |
Veil Vacuum Suck up 5 Veil Pools’ worth of Veil energy in multiplayer. 5つのVeil Poolのエネルギーを吸収する | |
Surgical Striker Kill 200 enemy players using the Veil Strike in multiplayer. Veil Strikeを使用して敵を200人殺す | |
Sneaky Pete Kill 100 enemy players with the Satchel Charge in multiplayer. Satchel Chargeで敵を100人殺す | |
Unholy Lifeline Revive 250 teammates, including 10 revives in a single match in multiplayer. 仲間を250回蘇生させるor1試合に10回以上蘇生させる | |
Focal Point Restore 5000 points of health to teammates using the Healing Aura in multiplayer. Healing Auraを使用して仲間の体力を5000ポイント回復させる | |
Quartermaster Give 100 Health Packs to teammates in multiplayer. 仲間にHealth Packを100回与える | |
Run-gineer Use Veil Speed for 30 minutes in multiplayer. Veil Speedを30分間使用する | |
Engineering Corps Complete 30 primary objectives and 50 secondary objectives in multiplayer. 主目標を30回、2次目標を50回達成する | |
Career Soldier Reach Rank 25 in multiplayer. ランク25に到達する | |
Das Big Man Reach Rank 50 in multiplayer. ランク50に到達する | |
Boot Camp Get a kill with each Soldier weapon, the Satchel Charge, and Veil Strike in multiplayer. Soldier Weapon、Satchel Charge、Veil Strikeで1キルずつする | |
Heavy-Handed Kill 200 enemy players with either the Panzerschreck or the Flammenwerfer in multiplayer. PanzerschreckかFlammenwerferで敵を200人殺す | |
Med School Revive a player, supply a Heath Pack, and heal someone using Healing Aura in multiplayer. 仲間を蘇生させ、Health Packを与え、Healing Auraで治療する | |
Basic Training Complete a primary objective, supply an Ammo Pack, and use Veil Speed once in multiplayer. 主目標を達成し、Ammo Packを与え、Veil Speedを1回使用する | |
Johnny-on-the-spot Give 100 Ammo to teammates in multiplayer. 仲間にAmmo Packを100回与える | |
Endgame Finish the single player campaign on any difficulty. 任意の難易度でキャンペーンモードをクリアする | |
Gun Nut Collect all the weapons in a single player campaign. 全ての武器を入手する | |
Slumming Complete all the Midtown missions in a single player campaign. ミッドタウンで発生する全てのミッションをクリアする | |
Man About Town Complete all the Downtown missions in a single player campaign. ダウンタウンで発生する全てのミッションをクリアする | |
Game Hunter Kill an enemy of every type in a single player campaign. 全種類の敵を倒す | |
Warchest Collect more than $30,000 in ain a single player campaign. 30,000ドル獲得する | |
Honorary Geist Spend two hours in the Veil in a single player campaign. Veilを発動している状態で2時間過ごす | |
Enemies in a Barrel Kill 3 floating enemies. 空中の敵を3体倒す | |
Bubble Boy Block 1000 shots with Shield power in a single player campaign. Shieldを発動して1000発の銃撃をブロックする | |
Time Out Use the Mire power for more than an hour in a single player campaign. Mireを発動している状態で1時間過ごす | |
Rampage Kill 200 enemies with Empower in a single player campaign. Empowerを発動して敵を200人倒す | |
Master Spy Collect all the Intel in a single player campaign. 全てのIntelを集める | |
Librarian Collect all the Tomes of Power in a single player campaign. 全てのTomes of Powerを集める | |
Buster Destroy 1000 breakable objects in a single player campaign. オブジェクトを1000個破壊する | |
Nerd Rage Complete the single player campaign on Hard or Uber difficulty. 難易度HardかUberで、キャンペーンモードをクリアする | |
Gold Digger Collect all the valuables in a single player campaign. 全ての貴重品を集める | |
Conservationist Complete a story mission in the single player campaign without reloading a gun. 一度も武器のリロードをせずにストーリーミッションをクリアする | |
Blitzkrieg Complete the single player campaign in under 12 hours. キャンペーンモードを12時間以内にクリアする | |
Monitor Tan Collect every collectible in a single player campaign. 全ての収集品を集める | |
Single Quarter Complete the single player campaign with less than three deaths. 死亡3回未満でキャンペーンモードをクリアする | |
Super Soldier Complete the single player campaign on Uber difficulty. 難易度Uberでキャンペーンモードをクリアする | |
Newbie Complete the Trainyard mission in a single player campaign. Train Stationミッションをクリアする | |
Gadget Freak Purchase all the upgrades for one of your weapons in the single player campaign. 1つの武器のアップグレードを全て購入する | |
Beatdown Kill 50 enemies with melee attacks in a single player campaign. 打撃攻撃で敵を50体倒す |