South Park:The Stick of Truth
トロフィータイプ | 詳細 |
South Park™: The Stick of Truth™ Platinum Trophy Collected all South Park™: The Stick of Truth™ trophies. 全てのトロフィーを集めた | |
New Kid On The Block You have joined the KKK. KKKに入った | |
First Day in South Park You completed your first day in South Park. 一日目を終える | |
KKK Hero You defeated the High Jew Elf Kyle in battle. エルフカイルを倒す | |
Elven Hero You defeated the Grand Wizard Cartman in battle. 魔法使いカートマンを倒す | |
Nonconformist You befriended the Goths, like everyone else playing this game. ゴスキッズ達をフレンドにする | |
Gingivitis Gingers have bitten you 3 times without you blocking. ジンジャーの噛み攻撃を1回の戦闘中にノーブロックで3回受ける | |
Day Walker You defeated the Boss Hall Monitor while wearing freckles. Ginger Frecklesを装備してジンジャーのボスを倒す | |
Made This for You You flung a turd of your own creation at an enemy. トイレで脱糞しアイテム化したウンコを戦闘中に敵に投げつける | |
Inside Joke While inside Mr. Slave, you summoned Mr. Slave. スレイヴ君の大腸内で戦闘中にスレイヴ君の召喚を使う | |
Are We Cool? You found Jesus while playing as a Jew. ジョブをユダヤ人でゲームスタートして神父のサブクエストをクリア | |
Parkeologist You opened all of the garages in South Park. サウスパーク内の全てのガレージを開けた | |
For the Hoarder You completed the game without selling any items. ストーリーが終わるまで全てのアイテムを一切売らなかった | |
Face Hoff You defeated Princess Kenny while looking like David Hasselhoff. 整形手術でデビッド·ハッセルホフの顔にしてプリンセスケニーを倒す | |
Truth to Power You farted on four major authority figures. 4人の権威(市長、神父、校長、モントリオールの大臣)に屁をこいた | |
Irritable Bowels You shat your pants during a boss battle. ボスとの戦闘中パンツにウンコを漏らす | |
Acceptance You accepted your fate and chose the name Douchebag yourself. 名前をDouchebagにする | |
Dog Whistle You've farted on a dog while in gnome form. Gnome Formで小さくなった状態で森の野良犬に屁をかける | |
Dragon Wrath You knocked out 3 or more enemies with a single fart outside of battle. 戦闘外で3人の敵を屁を使って倒す | |
Two Girls, One Stick You defeated Princess Kenny in your girl makeover disguise. Makeover〜と付いたアイテムを装備し女装した状態でプリンセスケニーを倒す | |
Just Saying Hi You've farted on every buddy in the game. 仲間全員に屁をこいた | |
Re-Buttal You interrupted 5 channel attacks by using a fart. 戦闘中、特定の敵がチャネリングをしている間にMagic attackで屁をかけて攻撃を5回阻止する | |
Heisenberg You defeated the Meth Tweekers while wearing the Evil Cartman goatee and bald cap. Evil Cartman goateeとbald capを装備してケニーの隣の家のジャンキー達を倒す | |
Outpatient You defeated Princess Kenny while living with Dire AIDS. Dire AIDSに感染した状態でプリンセスケニーを倒す | |
Perverted You watched your parents have sex for 60 seconds. 両親のセックスを1分間眺める | |
Shutout You successfully blocked every enemy attack in a single (non-tutorial) battle. 1回の戦闘中に全ての敵の攻撃をブロックする | |
Stay Down You farted on 10 enemies in the world that were knocked out. 戦闘後に倒れている敵10人に屁をこいた | |
Avenger You defeated 3 enemies in one battle while your buddy was knocked out. 戦闘中に仲間がノックアウトした状態で3人の敵を倒す | |
No Child Left Behind You completed the game and never ended a battle with your buddy knocked out. ストーリーが終わるまで仲間を一度もノックアウトさせなかった | |
Poco Chinpoko You collected 5 Chinpokomon. チンポコモンを5個集めた | |
Chinpoko loco You collected 15 Chinpokomon. チンポコモンを15個集めた | |
Chinpokolypse You collected all of the Chinpokomon. 30個全てのチンポコモンを集めた | |
Daddy Issues You befriended your father. 父親とフレンドになった | |
More Popular Than Jesus You made friends with half of South Park. 60人フレンドにした | |
More Popular Than John Lennon Everyone in South Park is your friend. 120人全てをフレンドにした | |
Junk Peddler You sold 300 junk items. ガラクタを300個売った | |
Stick Savior You defeated Princess Kenny and recovered the Stick of Truth. プリンセスケニーを倒し、棒切れを取り戻した | |
Ass of Fire You defeated 20 enemies using Cartman's Ass. カートマンの尻を使った攻撃で通算20人の敵を倒す | |
Canadian Handshake You've farted on people 100 times. 100人に屁をこいた | |
Animal Cruelty You've farted on animals 25 times. 25匹の動物に屁をこいた | |
Pulling Mud In three separate battles, you've taken a shit in your pants. 別々の3回の戦闘で戦闘中にパンツにウンコを漏らす | |
Shopaholic You have collected half of the available costume sets. 防具を半分手に入れた | |
Clothes Whore You've collected all of the available costumes. 全ての防具を手に入れた | |
Too Far You farted on the corpse of an aborted Nazi Zombie fetus. ナチスゾンビ胎児と戦闘後に、倒れている胎児に屁をこいた | |
Friends in Strange Places You befriended both crab people and gnomes. クラブピープル、パンツの妖精とフレンドになる | |
Weapon Proficiency Over the course of the game, you've scored 100 perfect attacks. 通算100回のパーフェクトアタックを決める | |
Skilled Defender Over the course of the game, you've blocked 100 attacks. 通算100回のブロックを決める | |
You bastards! You've let Kenny die in combat 10 times over the course of the game. 通算10回戦闘中に故意にケニーを死なせる | |
Mastery You've unlocked all of the upgrades for a New Kid ability. 主人公のアビリティをどれか一つ最大レベルまで上げる | |
Make it Rain! You've spent $500. 通算500ドル使う | |
Full Arsenal You own all the weapons and costumes available in the game. 全ての武器と防具を入手した |