PAYDAY : The Heist
トロフィータイプ | 詳細 |
OVERKILL Do it all. 全部やってやった | |
Diplomatic Perform a hostage trade. 人質交換を行う | |
Eagle eyes Point out a special enemy using the 'shout out' command. 「叫ぶ」コマンドでスペシャルユニットをマーキングする | |
Cheney? Defeat a Bulldozer with a shotgun. ブルドーザーをショットガンで倒す | |
Intimidating Get a Heavy SWAT to give up. 重装スワットを拘束する | |
Left for dead Finish a heist in custody while all your team mates are alive. 自分のみが収監されている状態で他のチームメイトが生き延びてステージをクリアする | |
Last man standing Beat a heist after having been the only one alive. 自分以外のチームメイトが全員収監された状態でステージをクリアする | |
Blood in, blood out Trade all the butchers in SLAUGHTERHOUSE. To complete this challenge, you will have to have played the heist from the start. SLAUGHTERHOUSEにおいて精肉工場内にいる作業員3人全員を人質交換に出す | |
Dodge this! Beat a heist on normal difficulty or above, having killed a Bulldozer without taking damage from any Bulldozer. To complete this challenge, you will have to have played the heist from the start. ノーマル以上のステージで登場するブルドーザーから一度もダメージを受けずに倒して、ステージをクリアする | |
A bridge too far! Complete the GREEN BRIDGE on hard or OVERKILL difficulty. To complete this challenge, you will have to have played the heist from the start. 難易度HardかOverKillでGREEN BRIDGEをクリアする | |
But how? Get the armored car to drop without shooting at it in SLAUGHTERHOUSE. To complete this challenge, you will have to have played the heist from the start. SLAUGHTERHOUSEにおいて、ケーブルに引っかかった装甲車を撃たずに、落ちてくるまで待つ | |
Windowlicker Defeat a law enforcer planting C4 in FIRST WORLD BANK on hard difficulty or above. To complete this challenge, you will have to have played the heist from the start. 難易度Hard以上のFIRST WORLD BANKにおいて、C4を仕掛けようとする警察官を倒す | |
Civil disobedience Defeat 100 law enforcers in a single heist. 1度のプレイで100人の警察官を倒す | |
Are there more than two? Find ten money bundles in PANIC ROOM. PANIC ROOMで10個の札束を見つける | |
Darkness On GREEN BRIDGE, destroy all the lights in the main scaffolding tower. To complete this challenge, you will have to have played the heist from the start. GREEN BRIDGEにおいて、塔の中の電球を全て破壊する | |
You can run but you can't hide In PANIC ROOM, take the key from Chavez within the first 45 seconds of starting the mission. To complete this challenge, you will have to have played the heist from the start. PANIC ROOMにおいて、開始から45秒以内にチャベスからキーを奪う | |
Shinobi Bypassing all 3 consoles before raising the alarm, beat DIAMOND HEIST on hard or OVERKILL difficulty. To complete this challenge, you will have to have played the heist from the start. 難易度HardかOverKillのDIAMOND HEISTにおいて、警報が鳴らされる前に3台のコンソールを解除してクリアする | |
I ain't afraid no more Gain a level in the Assault tree during an assault. アサルト中にAssaultツリーのレベルを上げる | |
Crack-bang Gain a level in the Sharpshooter tree with your last kill being a Sniper. 最後にスナイパーを倒した状態でSharpShooterツリーのレベルを上げる | |
Lay on hands Gain a level in the Support tree while reviving a teammate. チームメイトを蘇生している最中にSupportツリーのレベルを上げる | |
Are those the blue ones? Steal all the sapphires in DIAMOND HEIST on hard or OVERKILL difficulty. To complete this challenge, you will have to have played the heist from the start. 難易度HardかOverkillのDIAMOND HEISTにおいて、全てのサファイアを盗み出す | |
Gold digger Beat SLAUGHTERHOUSE within 15 minutes, taking all the gold. To complete this challenge, you will have to have played the heist from the start. SLAUGHTERHOUSEを15分以内にクリアする | |
Stand together Beat HEAT STREET on normal difficulty or above without anyone getting downed. To complete this challenge, you will have to have played the heist from the start. 難易度Normal以上のHEAT STREETにおいて、誰もダウンすることなくクリアする | |
Quick draw In PANIC ROOM, kill all armed thugs in and around the apartment building within 60 seconds of you and your crew drawing your weapons. To complete this challenge, you will have to have played the heist from the start. PANIC ROOMにおいて、武装したギャングを銃を抜いてから60秒以内に全て倒す | |
No photos Destroy all the cameras in FIRST WORLD BANK within 10 seconds of drawing your weapons. To complete this challenge, you will have to have played the heist from the start. FIRST WORLD BANKにおいて、銃を抜いてから10秒以内に全ての監視カメラを破壊する | |
Hot lava Don't let any law enforcers reach the graffiti on the center of the roof in PANIC ROOM from the SECURE THE ROOF objective until the ESCAPE objective on hard or OVERKILL difficulty. To complete this challenge, you will have to have played the heist from the start. 難易度HardかOverKillのPANIC ROOMにおいて、屋上守備から脱出までの間屋上に描かれているグラフィティに敵を踏み込ませない。 | |
Federal crime Defeat 25 FBI agents in a row. FBIを25人連続で倒す | |
One shot, one kill - repeat Get 30 kills using 30 shots, using only the M308 Rifle. M308ライフルを使用し、30発で30人の敵を倒す | |
Bomb man In DIAMOND HEIST, defeat all twelve Patrol Guards using only trip mines. To complete this challenge, you will have to have played the heist from the start. DIAMOND HEISTにおいて、12人の警備員をトリップマインのみを使用して倒す | |
Are you ready yet? In DIAMOND HEIST, get Bain to come back for you at least 7 times. To complete this challenge, you will have to have played the heist from the start. DIAMOND HEISTにおいてBainが示す脱出ポイントを7回以上変える | |
Easy street Beat HEAT STREET on OVERKILL difficulty, with your group accuracy being at 60% or higher. To complete this challenge, everyone in your crew will have to have played the heist from the start. 難易度OverKillのHEAT STREETにおいて、チームの平均命中率を60%以上にしてクリアする | |
I pushed the button and lived! In DIAMOND HEIST, get the big diamond and escape on OVERKILL difficulty with you and all your team mates alive. To complete this challenge, you will have to have played the heist from the start. 難易度OverKillのDIAMOND HEISTにおいて、巨大ダイヤモンドを入手した上で、チームメイト全て生還した状態でクリアする | |
Noob herder Beat any heist on OVERKILL difficulty with three other players who are all using the Noob Lube perk. To complete this challenge, you will have to have played the heist from the start. 自分以外のプレイヤーがNoob Lubeのperkを装備した状態で難易度OverKillのステージをクリアする | |
Don't lose face Beat all heists on OVERKILL difficulty without anyone getting traded from custody. To complete this challenge, you will have to have played the heist from the start. 人質交換をせずに、難易度OverKillのステージ全てをクリアする | |
PAYDAY Aquire one billion dollars in total cash. One. BILLION. Dollars. 10億ドル入手する |
WolfPack | |
Crowd Control Beat COUNTERFEIT without letting any hostage escape or die. To complete this challenge, you will have to played the heist from the start. COUNTERFEITにおいて、人質を逃がさず、死なせずクリアする | |
Detective Gadget Beat any heist using the STRYK Pistol, AK Rifle, GL40 Grenade Launcher, Toolkit upgrade, Sentry Gun equipment and Big Game Hunters crew bonus. To complete this challenge, you will have to have played the heist from the start. STRYK Pistol, AK Rifle, GL40 Grenade Launcher, Toolkit upgrade, Sentry Gun,Big Game Huntersを装備していずれかのステージをクリアする | |
Quick hands On COUNTERFEIT, manage to defuse all C4 charges. COUNTERFEITにおいて、仕掛けられたC4を全て解除する | |
The Saviour On UNDERCOVER, place 20 planks by yourself on windows, vents or fences. UNDERCOVERにおいて、一人でフェンス、もしくは穴に20枚の板を貼り付ける | |
Blow-out Beat UNDERCOVER with everyone in the crew only using the GL40. To complete this challenge, everyone in your crew will have to have played the heist from the start. Using melee does not count towards this challenge! UNDERCOVERにおいて、チームメイト全員がGL40のみを使用してクリアする。格闘攻撃の使用はこのチャレンジに影響しない | |
Pacifist Beat COUNTERFEIT on hard difficulty or above without killing any law enforcers or civilians. To complete this challenge, everyone in your crew will have to have played the heist from the start. 難易度Hard以上のCOUNTERFEITにおいて、警察官、市民を一切殺害せずにクリアする |